Forgive me if I am using the following terms in an improper manner.
Basing actions on honour, is an excellent system. It can be followed anywhere, in everyday situations, even war. So in my opinion, being honourable involves being honest, true to your word, fair, being trustworthy etc. Dishonour or dishonourable actions involve backstabbing, breaking trust, doing in general bad or displeasing stuff.
Gah! I can't explain it.
The samurai however, are a good example of honour. Well, actually it's Bushido. The Code of the Bushido include justice, bravery, benevolence, politeness, veracity, honour, and loyalty. In fact, ignore all that crap I just wrote, Bushido is what should be followed by everyone. I don't even know what benevolence and veracity mean, but I'm sure it's very similar to the other elements.
I played Darkzone for the first time in AGES today. It brings back memories of the times we ran around like decapitated chickens rather than cohesive squads which we tried to do today. Blue replacing green has been a welcome change, but the 2 hand on gun rule is VERY annoying. The gun has sensors to make sure you are holding the gun with 2 hands. However, the sensors are not sensitive enough and you got to hold it awkwardly for it to register it. It's still fun though.
Now, I can bring in the honour and Bushido junk. In games such as this, players have to follow a set of rules. Rules are to be followed for either safety, enjoyment, fairness, or removal of the possibilities of a variable being screwed up. However, rules do not cover everything. In Halo 2 multiplayer, there are no rules about hogging 2 scorpion tanks in the middle of Blood Gulch (the middle is where the rocket launcher is) There are no rules about carrying an energy sword and rocket launcher in FFA games either. There are no rules about camping, and camping respawn zones either, in any game. What regulates these is the honour code. Gamers who do such things start receiving copious amounts of verbal abuse, and hatred by from other players. Such actions are considered dishonourable. It's also impolite and cowardly. (Also known as cheap noobish tactics)
When we were playing Darkzone, there was a large group of little kids, and one "pro" "league" player. Targetting the little kids, would be considered dishonourable as they are little (picking on someone smaller than you). But there's so many of them, and they run around together! They pose a threat in numbers. That's a reasonable excuse I reckon. After all, if your enemies are little kids, then you have no choice. So the league player tried to return the "dishonourable" action by stalking me. Now, I don't quite know the correct term, but it is similar to respawn zone camping. Basically, this player shoots you, your pack gets deactivated temporarily (giving you chance to hide behind cover) and then he follows you, stands there, waits for your pack to reactivate and shoots you again. NOT NICE AT ALL. The honourable thing to do is shoot them, and move on to the next player- leaving the "dead" alone.
A good example of the code at work would be when Jeremy and I both had deactivated packs. We could have easily sat infront of each other and blasted away, but there were reds on the other side of the wall. Calling a truce to take out the reds requires willpower as there is an easy target right next to you.
Dishonourable actions can net you large rewards (eg. high score) but there are consequences. You get branded DISHONOURABLE. That is an expensive cost to bear. Lesson? Be virtuous people, follow Bushido, the way of the warrior!
And another thing. Christian Rock is scary. The lyrics just doesn't match the instrumentals and the fanaticism of the crowd combined... very strange and scary. Guess I got a bit of an old school catholic mindset.