Lucky Charms!
Do you believe in good luck charms? I'm beginning to think that they do work. Take my "Nugget/go for gold" RYLA band thingy for an example...
Wore it to my friday interview. I did an impressive job. Too impressive. Let's just say an unsuccessful one was in my favour. How about this reasoning instead? I ain't beating myself up over it.
OK... now... wore it to the "dinnterview". I'd say that was a success. WOOT! Scored a job!
Midsems. They felt tricky, but I guess I did ok. We'll find out next week for the other 2.
Which brings me to today.
3 things...
Lunch: $3.50 shitty fish and chips. Normally, it's dried up crappy tail end or just non meaty bits of fish, if you could even call it fish. This time, it was nice meaty and juicy. Real fish. For $3.50. Very rare for main cafe's shit to get my thumbs up!
Exams: "oh shit, screwed that up, didn't do that... blablablbla" *checks results* "90%? Nawww.... Really? FULLY SICK!"
Wages: After the stories I heard, I was feeling really down. Why the heck would I study for 3 years only to work at a job that pays $30k p.a.? I can get that flipping burgers! More if I packed chips! But, taking JB's word, right now, market rate is $40k, expecting to go up next year. SWEET! That works out to be $20/hr roughly. Which is what I reckon to be the minimum! I'm happy. As long as I ain't being paid slave labour rates, I'm happy.
So yes, lucky charms work. Or maybe they just make you focus on the good, and ignore the crap.
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