Saturday, July 30, 2005

Age Restrictions

(now remember, I was on a midnight flight when I decided to type away like a madman)

The lasting impression of Macau I have is in the last few moments of my day trip there- the casino. I just wanted to take a look at the inside of the casino/hotel, visit the buffet… all that jazz. But nooo! They had to have some stupid security measures in place where you had to deposit all your bags (backpacks, shopping bags, hand bags, suitcases, briefcases etc) at some baggage drop off point, and then go through some metal detectors. If this is due to terrorism, particularly 9-11, I am going to have to join Mr Dubyah Bush in his War on Terror. I certainly don’t recall all that crazy security shit in Las Vegas.

Now, depositing my backpack was no problem- the queue was short. However, I hate metal detectors. For some reason in the past, it would pick up the metal in my fly or my spec frame. (this time round on my way back from HK it didn’t beep even though my wallet was laden with coins and yeah… I had other metal objects on me) Damn security guard had to go “Hey! You don’t look like you’re 18… Hand over your passport” So I hand it over and he goes “87… that’s 18… December… you’re not 18… you can’t enter” “I just want to take a look inside, and besides I’m 18 this year” “Nup… you can’t enter” *points at sign (children under 18 cannot enter)*

That’s understandable… if someone under 18 goes into debt from gambling, they’re gonna be screwed. Hell, anyone would be screwed regardless of age. Anyways, that polite kicking me out is not the real problem. If I wanted to leave that stupid secure as hell hotel/casino, I would have to take the hotel-ferry shuttle bus. One problem. I noticed on the shuttle bus a sign that said “Children under 18 are not permitted on the vehicle” WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?! So let’s say someone, like me, were to rock up at the casino ready to play some blackjack, but got kicked out even before they could enter because they got a kiddy face so decided to leave Macau, via ferry, but can’t take the shuttle bus because that too is off limits. For crying out loud, since when have there been age limits on riding a passenger vehicle, and I don’t mean driving.

Prior to the age limit on the bus notice, 3 old people pushed into the line. It would be more accurate to say ran and shoved, and shrugged. Just because they’re old… They just ran and cut in infront of us, and the people queuing were shouting in both Cantonese and English “Hey, don’t cut in buddy… Get back in line!” Well, that’s how it seemed. Some people even grabbed the old man’s collar but he shrugged them off and kept shoving. Meanie. Meant I had to wait another 10 minutes at that stupid place. If I have the opportunity to go back there next year, I would, just to go “I feel insulted… You thinking I’m trying to sneak in for underage gambling and drinking” then to say “Nah, I don’t feel like going in anyway… wasting my money on gambling and overpriced alcohol”

Now onto some deeper stuff (If you haven’t gotten bored of the first few lines and clicked on some other navigational button away from here)

If you eat the salad bar at Sizzlers’, watch a movie at Hoyts, or do something where there is a distinction in child and adult rates, there is a discrepancy. The casino consider child as under 18. But Sizzler considers child as 12 under, or something like that. Hoyts, under 16. What about 13-17? (Or any age inbetween) I guess that’s what student rates are for. But still… (I guess I was annoyed at the children cannot ride this shuttle bus sign… I was prepared to hulkify and go berserk thanks to those bloody queue cutters)

When Theresa said I looked “cute like a lil boy” I guess I really do have an immature face.

OK. Midnight flights are bad for the brain… time to hit the sack, or chair… Or I could OD on coffee and Coke and watch the inflight movies.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Those get rich books

I’ve figured out how to make heaps of money… thanks to a bunch of books by some person called Robert T Kiyosaki, or something like that. And no, I did not figure it out from what he wrote about. Hell, I only skim read ONE book, and it was Rich Dad, Poor Dad.

I don’t want to get sued in the future for some form of defamation, but just from skim reading that one book, and looking at the many other “financial advice” type books by him, one can easily come to a conclusion that he got rich by selling those books, much like Allan Pease and his Body Language book and his “remixes”. Sure, they got to have some money to start with… who would by a “how to get rich” help book if the author was a poor bum? But seriously, if you want to make money like those people who write these how to make money books, do what they do, and not what they wrote. That’s write how to get rich books so that other poor suckers buy them.

The truth is, you gotta manage your money. Look after your finances. Watch your cash flow, make sure you don’t wind up in too much debt. Use your money wisely, such as investing them in assets that will make more money for you rather than splurging on stuff. But most importantly, you gotta enjoy yourself in the end game otherwise all that penny pinching and money watching is wasted. O yeah, and if you’re investing in the stockmarket, sometimes follow your gut feelings. Being too calculative or following the statistics too much can result in you kicking your own arse at the end of the day. Well that’s what’s happened to mum many times.

I went nuts and typed away on the plane, so I've got several more...

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