Go fish.
This just fucking sucks.
I like fish. Fish is good. Fish in batter, with chips, is very good.
Thanks to Indonesian fish poachers/illegal fishers/whatever, that's going to come to an end. You see, the sustainability of the north west fisheries has become... well, unsustainable. Why? Because fucking idiots, that is the above mentioned Indos, pillage these waters. Why? Because their waters don't have any fish. Gee, I wonder why. Because they wiped out their waters and polluted it to hell and back? Oh yeah, and the fact that the Australian warships that are supposedly protecting this protected fishery area can't do anything but fire warning shots at the invading fishing... rafts.
So it's ironic. Australia keeps telling the Indonesians, "you can't fish here" and now Aussie fishers can't fish there because its become unsustainable. But... there's nothing to stop the Indonesians to continue raping these waters.
The fishermen complain that the Aussie government hasn't done anything serious because they do not want to anger the Indonesian government. You know what? Fuck them. The Indonesian government got so pissed off when Australia took in those Papuan refugees (they were Papuan, right?) so if something as small as not turning back a bunch of people who wanted to escape a predicament where their heads would be chopped off would make a government turn into a hissy fit, I say who cares. Blow the crap out of those invading fishing boats.
That's right. Shoot them. Blow them up. Fire away with .50 Cal machine gun rounds. Hit them with naval artillery. Helicopter gunships, submarines... arm the fishermen with rocket launchers.
I want cheap snapper. Fish and chips that costs twice as much as normal would not be nice.
mMMmm chilli mango fish @ freo's sails is fab*~
oooo... mango... not to keen on the chilli messing with the mango taste... but oooo none the less.
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