Thursday, April 07, 2005

How to survive Mr Wieman's reign of terror.

I know its a bit late for those who have Mr Wieman (aka Mein Fuhrer) (Hari K, 2004) this year, but after encountering a Mr Wieman lookalike at work, and got scared for a few seconds, a few memories resurfaced.

Mr Wieman is a great teacher. You gotta give him kudos for his unique teaching method/style. It gets the job done, and by that I mean you learn stuff. However, this style involves keeping you on your toes, scared shitless, and in fear of being ridiculed. I was always on my toes, and scared, and in fear, but I managed to avoid the spotlight, whilst Jeremy had to deal with it almost full on.

And because his surname is German sounding, and he runs a regime both in and out of the class, that is how he got labelled a Nazi by Hari. We meant no harm, it was all in good humour. "I vill ressurrect ze undead army of ze fourth reich!"

If you recall, I wrote something on How to be happy or something like that. Somewhere in there, I mentioned how NOT to be noticed, or as some people like to say, "fly under the radar". That is how you survive Wieman's reign of terror.

Flying under the radar allows one to survive those random "stand up/raise your hand/sit down if you can/cannot/know/don't know the answer to this question" orders. Master this art and for 95% of the time you can go through these scary moments without actually having to work your brain on the problem (he likes to make you do it mentally, well for year 11 he did. Not too sure about year 12).

How do you do this?
Simple. You attract attention by standing out from the crowd. Therefore, the first person and last person to respond to the "orders" will get singled out first. Preferably, act like you are calculating the problem in your head and keep your senses open to people standing up/raising hands etc and generally stand/raise your hand etc after the 4th person, or in unison with a few others around that number.

Case study time!
Poor Jeremy never got the hang of it. He was often the last person to respond. And by last, I meant that he was still thinking whilst everyone else had responded (whether or not they actually came to an answer or were still figuring it out whilst acting like they have) but upon noticing that everyone else had stood up etc, he quickly stands up etc, attracting even more attention, and suspiscion.
After telling him the little trick, he would stand up etc too eagerly.
And sometimes, he would respond in a bad way, ie. "stand up if you DO NOT know the answer"

Several things wrong with his technique. He responded too late. This means Wieman's eyes are already on you. By hastily standing up and all after being slow in thinking, there will be a great deal of suspiscion going through his head. Hence he will pick on you. Also, by hastily responding, it means you still don't know the answer.
Standing up too fast means that you really know your shit (which of course is not true because you are reading this for tips on how to avoid making a fool of yourself). Also, it doesn't allow you time to formulate a contingency plan incase he does ask you. You also won't have enough time to think through his order in case it's a trick. (Don't half stand up and then sit down when you realise you got tricked. You attract attention)
In fact, sudden movements attract the attention of the predator, and sudden movements of the predator alert the prey. Simple animal instincts.

I really should do a plan on scrap paper before writing ANYTHING.
Don't attract Wieman's attention. (Don't be the first or last to respond. No sudden movements, don't move too slowly either)
Don't act suspisciously. (No rapid changes in status from deep thinking to jumpy)
Blend in with the environment. (Move with the crowd[small crowd, not the main crowd])
After responding, start thinking. (You are not under his spotlight, but shit happens and you gotta be at least half prepared)
Wieman has a sixth sense for "contraband" items.


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