Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Why must the media emphasis that a psychotic killer liked to play videogames?

Why must the media emphasis that a psychotic killer liked to play videogames? That is so not fucking true. It pisses me off to the extent that I want to go kill someone. (note the irony =P)

Most of the time, these killers who had emphasis of being a videogamer placed on them had some serious psychological issues. You see, it is the screwed upness in their head that causes such violent acts. Violent videogames do not cause or inspire someone, especially a normal person, to do such horrible things. Being teased, ignored, demotivated, tormented, coming from a unhappy background, in a nutshell living a shitty life, will cause almost anyone to go crazy. This is worse on people who cannot express themselves or vent their frustration. I like to think that videogames allows one to vent such frustration.

Anyway, an excerpt from my chat with Lawrence makes a pretty damn good argument about all this.

pisses me off
<> why must the media emphasise that a crazy killer played videogames? says:
there is no correlation between videogames and murder
<> why must the media emphasise that a crazy killer played videogames? says:
there isnt even causality
lawrence - ring2 any1? says:
lawrence - ring2 any1? says:
there is in taht case
<> why must the media emphasise that a crazy killer played videogames? says:
stupid media
<> why must the media emphasise that a crazy killer played videogames? says:
there are plenty of other reasons y he went killing ppl
lawrence - ring2 any1? says:
lol not really
lawrence - ring2 any1? says:
he got his grandpa gun
<> why must the media emphasise that a crazy killer played videogames? says:
his family was fucked up
<> why must the media emphasise that a crazy killer played videogames? says:
society treated him bad
<> why must the media emphasise that a crazy killer played videogames? says:
he went to the goth side
<> why must the media emphasise that a crazy killer played videogames? says:
here's a case study for u
lawrence - ring2 any1? says:
yea hahaha
<> why must the media emphasise that a crazy killer played videogames? says:
get 2 kids
lawrence - ring2 any1? says:
u reli do care
<> why must the media emphasise that a crazy killer played videogames? says:
make sure they have reasonable amounts of mental stability
<> why must the media emphasise that a crazy killer played videogames? says:
acceptable set of ethics/morals/values
<> why must the media emphasise that a crazy killer played videogames? says:
overdose 1 with violent games, movies etc
<> why must the media emphasise that a crazy killer played videogames? says:
and abuse the other kid
<> why must the media emphasise that a crazy killer played videogames? says:
make the abused kid feel sad, suicidal
<> why must the media emphasise that a crazy killer played videogames? says:
even to the extent that he wants revenge
<> why must the media emphasise that a crazy killer played videogames? says:
now, which kid would be more likely to kill a bunch of school kids and teachers?
lawrence - ring2 any1? says:
<> why must the media emphasise that a crazy killer played videogames? says:
especially since school kids who u attempt to hang out with make u feel like shit, and teachers just keep making u depressed coz they make u fail at lit
<> why must the media emphasise that a crazy killer played videogames? says:
because the videogamer kid is mentally stable, he ought to know reality from virtual reality, and has no need to kill real ppl
<> why must the media emphasise that a crazy killer played videogames? says:
theres nothing wrong with him mentally except for perhaps, being desensitized to violence, or has an addiction to polygon blood n guts
<> why must the media emphasise that a crazy killer played videogames? says:
but the tormented kid...
<> why must the media emphasise that a crazy killer played videogames? says:
he would be truly fucked up
<> why must the media emphasise that a crazy killer played videogames? says:
he has reason to break out in a violent fit of rage
lawrence - ring2 any1? says:
be his lawyer
<> why must the media emphasise that a crazy killer played videogames? says:
<> why must the media emphasise that a crazy killer played videogames? says:
i got a very good case there dont i?

And another thing, ever notice how cliched these high school shooters have become? Many wore trenchcoats, they all claim, or the media claims, that there were some videogames behind it all, they were good students (A or B grades), generally quiet and marginalised, and had broken families or whatever.

Now if trenchcoats weren't so damn difficult to clean, (you have to dry clean them, which means money) and if there were more winter months, I would be wearing one. And you ought to be afraid. I would satisfy a majority of the cliched criteria to be a high school killer, except in uni instead.


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