Adventures in Daiso
There's a shop inside IMM at Jurong East called Daiso. It's a Japanese $2 store. Some of the stuff there is worth more than $2, others are a bloody rip off. Before I go on with my findings, may I say one thing, "Beer in a bottle-can? BRILLIANT!" "BRILLIANT!" (In an Irish accent of course, much like the Guinness adverts)
Well, for $2, you can find stuff for your kitchen, dining room table, study room, bedroom, bathroom, garage, barbeque etc. But can you buy yourself a Russian fighter jet? Ah HAH! You didn't see that coming did you?

Yeah... you can buy one of these for $2. It comes in at a grand size of about 10cm from nose to turbine. It's a model kit for crying out loud! Not bad for $2. I bought myself a M1 Sherman for $6 and it was a pile of trash. Well, the tank itself was a pile of trash back in it's days, in comparison to superior German and Russian but less numbered tanks. Well, the MiG model kit is excellent quality for $2. It even comes with it's own rubber cement! Though judging by the size of the tube, it's construction is going to be very poor. Good thing I got a "big" bottle of that stuff somewhere on my desk.
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