Sunday, February 06, 2005

Induced Insanity

Chinese New Year brings about mixed reactions. On the plus side, there's the food, new clothes, sales etc. On the down side, there's all the bloody spring cleaning you have to do, large crowds of people (including kamikaze bulldozer prams) and music capable of causing insanity. Yeah, that's right. Those "catchy" CNY tunes they play on TV, radio, shops, restaurants, everywhere.

I'm not complaining, it's just a way of expressing the festive mood. But I'd rather have other "exciting" visages in that part of the brain where all your thoughts are organised. Right now it is just static with "GONG XI GONG XI GONG XI NI!" on a loop. It is waylaying my mental planning of the master plan... the one plan... TO RULE THEM ALL!

Remedy: Listen to some other catchy tunes, and replace that annoying crap with some slightly more tolerable crap.

On another note, Valentine's Day... It makes couples happy, singles sad, and those who don't give a damn feel left out of it all. But damn, I don't recall it being so commercialised now. "Splurge on this $2,888 watch for your significant other and show how much you love him/her"
What kind of society have we become? Are we making materialism a key ideology? (Seems like I have forgotten how to word it right... Excellent! I have erased yet another literature memory)

For those of you who care, which ain't many, or any at all. I got another photo to add to the "eating" series. hehehe Me eating yu-sheng. Now there's a video of me eating kway teow, and photos of me eating a cookie and yu-sheng. What's next Alicia? Eating cake? Drinking soup? Raw capsicum, Chairman Kaga style? That's the name of the Iron Chef host right?

I had some good writing material on my mind, but I guess it got erased and replaced by CNY tunes. So all you are left with is either a skeleton of my thoughts, or half of them. If you would excuse me, I either have to get off the computer so that my cousin can attempt to write some stuff to DVD (damn USB port is stuffing up) or I will go watch episode 11 of The OC (season 2 of course). And since that part of my brain which organises thoughts has gone MIA... GONG XI FA CAI, XIN NIAN KUAI LE!!! *bangs a drum and gong*

A search and rescue operation for that part of the brain will commence shortly after the 12th of Feb. (No more blogging til then) (happy, disgruntled readers?)


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