Monday, April 25, 2005

More randomness

OK, several things I must remember to write...
Me and bikes
The Emperor
More rice hillarity
Racist HP fans
Crap, forgotten what else I should write...

OK. Me and bikes. Here's a little math for you. Justin + bicycle = comedy on the scale that Justin puts his life at risk. Yeah... that's right. I'm the comedian on wheels! Seriously. When I rode to Kings Park, I had no brakes. So this was me going down hill- "WAAAAAGH! NO BRAKES!!!!!" *goes off road and plants feet into the ground in an attempt to slow down*
And today, my pedal fell off... So I had to cycle home with just one pedal. Hell... I think I've become a master at 1 pedal cycling, I could probably pedal a bike which has no pedals.

The Emperor. Don't you think the new pope looks like the Emperor from Star Wars?
Unfortunately, I can't find the picture which compares the two. Probably somewhere on Just ignore the NSFW crap.

I still can't get over the rice eating habits of white people. One guy asked me for a BIG bowl. So I gave him the bowl only to see him get the rice and curry, and shove it all in the big bowl, and stir like mad. The green chicken curry rice turned into chicken curry STEW! If that specific culinary creation was meant to be a stew, don't you think you would be served that meal like a stew?

Read today's (Monday) newspaper (The West Australian) and there's some tiny article on some Scottish born Chinese girl who will be playing Harry Potter's gf or whatever. And the fans are not happy, making comments like "she can't speak English". Yeah, ignore whatever the journos say, they're always bullshit. But still... Not very nice.

O yeah, I'm excellent at scaring people away.


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