Collision Course
Some of you may have heard of my self diagnosed invisibility complex. I now know why I made such a diagnosis. It originates from crazy, psycho people who collide into you as though you do not exist. It bloody pisses me off. They either stare straight at you then *WHAM* or they are staring at the sky/ground/any other direction, then *WHAM*. The worst are pram pushers. They full on kamikaze into you. Just because they got a baby as a meatshield does not grant them the license to bulldoze.
Guess I should stop wearing camoflaugey colours.
However, why the fuck should I move out of the way? It should be their turn to step aside and let the oncoming traffic move in a straight line.
If I could do something and get away with it, I would most definitely go out of my way to smash every single person walking in the opposite direction to me. After all, I said I would get away with it. *SMASH* "Watch where you're going jackass!"
Ooh! Also, those people who try to get into the MRT ahead of you, or at a terminating ride, those people who try to squeeze out before you. I mean, you are all going to get off the bus anyway. One example I am referring to is when I was in the bus to JB. When we were approaching the immigration thing, this guy sitting on the seat infront of me got up, when the bus was still moving, and made the notion for me to let go of the hand rail (infront of him) so that he could move closer to the door, which was still closed. For crying out loud, we all had to get off the bus, and it made no difference if you were first or last. If I could get away with something there, I would have given him a right hook to the jaw and go "SIDDOWN! asshole"
One of the great things about videogames is that your actions in it do not affect real people, except those who are waiting for you to stop so you can do your household chores. GTA is great for relieving such stress induced by kamikaze walkers. Chainsaw... yummy!
Yeah... I'm pretty cranky when it comes to these rude people. But I guess I am probably going to be proven a hypocrite where I too, do similar acts without realising it.
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