| Move aside money and card, or gift voucher, it's the thought that counts! Thoughtful gifts are more remembered, and seem so much more... special. Well, large sums of money will never be forgotten =P but when does that happen?
It's worth a shot trying to make/give a witty gift. The reactions can be quite hilarious. Now, when it comes to stopping a blood nose, and I get them quite a lot, I tend to stick some rolled up cotton wool up the nostrils. So go and guess what John gives me as a joke- a box of tampons. Wrong orrifice, but damn funny. A little box gave a group of us about half an hour of laughter, hehehe. And Cynthia, she made a comic book, much like what Anna gave Seth for Chrismukkah in The OC. I'm not saying there was any copying of other sources, but it's so... (can't think of nice words)!
I don't think I can top that. |
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