Friday, November 26, 2004


Don't mess with my mind. Don't do mind tricks on me. Don't concoct fancy stories that I may believe then screw me over later. I don't like them. It makes me go insane. If I find out that my mind has been messed with, I might go violent. You don't want that to happen. As a precautionary measure, I will now discount every single claim a specific group of people make. This means in other words, I will not believe a single word you say. If you say you are going to die next week due to finding out some cancerous growth somewhere, I will not respond the way I should, but instead point and laugh and say "bullshit, you ain't getting anything out of me!". Although, if you really are going to die of cancer, it's your own fault for making me respond this way.

Anywhoo, at Alicia's party 2 things come to mind- Halo 2 multiplayer and dangly bits. Firstly Halo 2 multiplayer. I owned all noobs! heheheehehe... Running over people in ghosts are fun, as well as pumping them with needles. Smacking them from behind gives you an "assassination" just what I like :P
Dangly bits. I don't know how the conversation got shifted to those mobile phone dongles, those little cute things that are attached to your phone on a little cord. Anyway, I saw this Jap movie where this person had a mobile, a small one, but "dangly bits" about this much *spreads out arms* (so mobile is the . and the dangly bits are the O relatively) Anyway, I went on to say that if someone were to lose their phone, they would say "aargh! I lost my phone!" but the person in that movie would be instead "AARGH! I lost my dangly bits!" because there's so much and probably cost more than the phone. The phone would probably be lost inside all those dangly bits. Now, if you have an innocent mind, you would not have gone "...ewwww!", but my phallic obsessed friend had to associate the mobile phone attachments which I called "dangly bits" with penises. Oh boy, now she's going to misquote me and out of context with the words "lost my dangly bits".

Can't wait for more carnage in Halo 2 multiplayer.


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